Marina Operations Boat
February 25, 2021
As part of our ongoing mission to create novel yet practical maritime solutions to increase your effectiveness on the water, we developed this RIB boat with two specialized customizations: a flat foam Push Bow and a Bow Pull post.
Ocean Craft Marine boats are robust and durable with plenty of power. They are guaranteed to improve your speed and efficiency during marina operations. And they provide excellent performance and safety when you are towing yachts, performing maintenance, or undertaking any other type of marina assistance.

The ingenious Bow Pull post lets you effortlessly ‘pull’ boats rather than tow them, providing increased accuracy when steering and ensuring maximum efficiency.

In the event a yacht suffers engine failure or there are strong winds, the innovative Push Bow lets you physically push boats into position without causing damage.
Configuration of the boat is completely tailored to your needs.
Contact us on [email protected] to discuss your requirements.